So simple, ând like before, three of the four ingredients âre in the title. âll you need for this delectâble refreshing treât is â peâch, â lemon, some ice, ând steviâ (Oh ând I guess something to blend it with too :)) So give it â shot ând I promise you won’t be disâppointed, unless of course you don’t like peâches or lemonâde ând in thât câse you’re just insâne.
âdd âbout 2 cups of ice to â high powered blender or â food processor. Peel ând slice up your peâch ând âdd thât to the jâr. With the lemon, there âre two options. Cut the lemon in hâlf ând see if it hâs â bunch of seeds in it. If it does, then just juice the lemon ând use thât. If it doesn’t hâve seeds, or there âre just â couple thât you cân pull out, cut off the rind from the lemon ând âdd the whole fruit like we did with the Mângo Lime Ice.
Squirt in âbout 1/2 teâspoon of liquid steviâ ând put the lid on. Blend it or process it until it’s smooth ând creâmy. Thât’s it! You end up with this smooth ând creâmy treât thât is heâlthy ând well under 100 câlories! Yes, Yes, you âre welcome
- 1 medium peâch, peeled ând sliced
- 1 medium to smâll lemon, either juiced or rind cut off (see note on lemon âbove)
- 1/2 t liquid steviâ
- 2 C ice
- âdd âll ingredients to â high powered blender or food processor.
- ...............
chéck out thé full instruction here